Sowing our field, May 12th

The field was lightly tilled by a tractor two weeks ago. Our chemical-free strategy has been to let grass re-sprout and then till again with a rototiller, to reduce the competition for our flax. This secondary tilling is mostly done; we can till more Saturday, or avoid noise by just planting the part that is ready. Brian acquired a seeding device, and has its use figured out, but could use some help bringing seed to it and helping pull it. After seeding the seeds need about half and inch of soil raked over them, and that soil needs to be compacted. Both tasks require more effort than spreading the seed itself. Bring soil rakes, not light leaf rakes. I have a heavy roller there already, and will bring a tamper, for compacting.

If you need a ride from the bus stop on the Pat Bay highway at Sayward Road, or the Elk Lake parking lot, to the field, phone Beatrice’s cell phone 250-884-5252 Saturday morning. If you have a cell phone you can call from there, otherwise call before you start out. Or you can just walk or (if you brought a bike) cycle a mile west from the Pat Bay highway, to 536 Brookleigh.

If you need a ride out there from town, add a comment to this posting. They don’t appear instantly; I have to do something to make them appear onscreen, but I will check often.

This will be upliffting! It’s a beautiful place, the weather will be pleasant, and good work attracts good company.    I’ll be there by 9AM , and will organize people as they trickle in., 250-386-7984


PS Here is the original notice:

We are going to start planting our flax crop on Saturday. Our field is on Brookleigh Road, on the north edge of Elk Lake, at the last property before the forest, on the north side of the straight stretch running west from the Pat Bay Highway. It has two driveways, numbered 536 and 544, but if you are coming by car we may need you to park at the park back by the highway and we can shuttle you to the farm. We’ll put up a cell phone number for that purpose on by Friday. We will shuttle people to the park for toilet breaks too.

I’ll be there from 9AM on. Bring soil rakes, and of course food and water, sun hats, work clothes, and whatever else you need to be productive. Cameras, too.

One thought on “Sowing our field, May 12th

  1. Hi all,
    I will be leaving the Western Communities about 8:30 am, so if there is anyone who needs a ride from View Royal, Langford or Colwood, I would be happy to pick you and your rake up. Just call me at (250) 884-5252.


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